Layout Considerations for Pipe Rack

The entire plant will be divided into numerous unit or sections and each piping plan shows the piping arrangement of a section. 

Piping plans are normally drawn to scale 1:33.33

1. Layout Consideration For Pipe Rack

The simplest arrangement is the pipe rack in the middle and the row of equipment on either side and access roads parallel to the row of equipment on the both sides. But these type of arrangement require a long plot area in several cases, it may not be feasible. Hence L, H shaped racks may be considered.
The total width of the rack can be 6m, 8m and 10m for single bay and 12m and 16m for double bay having three tires maximum.
  • The spacing between pipe rack portals is generally taken as 3m.
  • Clearance beneath pipe rack shall be 3m.
  • Road clearance beneath pipe rack should be 7m for main road and 5m for secondary road.
  • A head room clearance of minimum 2.2m is provided. For all lines to clear man height.
  • Locate the largest bore and the heaviest piping as close to stanchions as possible.
  • Lines requiring a constant fall (relief headers) can be run on cantilevers from pipe-rack stanchions or on vertical extensions to pipe-track stanchions.
  • Run the hot line requiring expansion loops on the outside edge of pipe way to permit loops to have greatest width over the pipe way and facilitate nesting.
  • Takeoff elevations from pipe ways should be at a constant elevation, consistent with the range of pipe sizes involved.
  • Change elevation whenever banks of pipes, either on pipe ways at grade or at higher elevations on pipe racks, change direction.
  • Elevations to the underside of pipe racks should be the minimum for operation and mobile maintenance equipment and consistent with allowable clearance.
  • Open pipe trenches may be used between plants where there is no risk of flammable vapors collecting.
  • It sometimes is convenient to run open trenches alongside roadways.
  • Where a pipe way or road changes from a parallel direction, the pipe generally is run beneath the road.
Guidelines To Draw A Pipe In The Rack:
  • Keep flow arrows the same size and aligned.
  • Line numbers should be left justified when possible.
  • Pipe commodity should be identified on utility lines only.
  • Line spacing dimensions should align across the pipe rack from one pipe support column to the other. This allows coordinates for each pipe to be calculated since each pipe support column is positioned using a coordinate.

Layout Consideration For Equipment:
  • Layout Consideration for Pumps
  • Layout Consideration for Compressors
  • Layout Consideration for Exchanges
  • Layout Consideration for Fired Heaters
  • Layout Consideration for Columns
  • Layout Consideration for Tanks
Click here to know about Layout Considerations for Pumps, Compressors & Exchangers.


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