Piping Abbrevations

Piping Abbrevations:

1 XS - Extra strong

2 XXS - Double extra strong

3 Yd - Yard

4 Asb - Asbestos (Gaskets)

5 ASME - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

6 ASTM - The American Society for Testing and Materials

7 AWWA - American Water Works Association

8 BBE - Bevel both ends

9 Bbl - Barrel

10 Bdr - Bleed ring

11 BE - Beveled end

12 Bfy - Butterfly (valve)

13 Bld - Blind (flange)

14 Bld - Spectacle blind (plate between flanges)

15 BLE - Bevel large end

16 Blk - Black (pipe)

17 BOE - Bevel one end

18 BOM - Bill of materials

19 BOP - Bottom of pipe

20 Brz - Bronze (valve)

21 BSE -  Bevel small end

22 BW - Buttweld

23 Chk - Check (valve)

24 CI - Cast iron

25 Cm - Centimeter

26 Conc - Concentric

27 Cpl - Coupling

28 CS - Cast steel, carbon steel, cap screw

29 CSC - Car seal closed

30 Csg - Casing

31 CSO - Car seal open

32 Csw - Concentric swage

33 Cu - Cubic

34 CW - Chain wheel

35 CWO - Chain wheel operator

36 CWP - Cold water pressure

37 D&T - Drill and tap

38 D&W - Doped and wrapped (pipe)

39 DES - Double extra strong

40 DI - Ductile iron

41 Dia - Diameter

42 Dim - Dimension

43 Ditto - Do not use this term

44 DSAW - Double sub-merged arc welded (pipe)

45 Dwg # - Drawing number

46 Ea - Each

47 Ecc - Eccentric

48 El - Elevation (on drawing)

49 Elec - Electrical

50 Ell - Elbow

51 Eol - Elbolet

52 ERW - Electric resistance weld (pipe)

53 Esw - Eccentric swage

54 EUE - External upset ends

55 Ex.hvy - Extra heavy

56 Ex.stg - Extra strong

57 Exp jt - Expansion joint

58 F&D - Faced and drilled (flanged)

59 F/F - Face of flange

60 FAB - Fabricate/fabricator

61 FAS -  Free along side

62 FE - Flanged ends / flow element

63 Fem - Female (ends)

64 FF - Flat/full face

65 Fig - Figure (number)

66 Flex  - Flexitallic (gasket brand name)

67 Flg - Flange

68 Flgd - Flanged ends / flow element

69 FOB - Free on board

70 FS - Forged steel

71 FSD - Flat side down

72 FSU - Flat side up

73 Ft - Feet/foot

74 FW - Field weld/fire water

75 Gal - Gallon

76 Galv - Galvanised

77 GG - Gauge glass

78 GJ - Ground joint (union)

79 Glb - Globe (valve)

80 GR - Grade

81 Gsk - Gasket

82 HC - Hose coupling

83 Hdr - Header

84 Hex Size-sided head, bolt, plug etc.

85 HN - Heat number

86 Hvy - Heavy

87 IBBM - Iron body bronze mounted(valve)

88 ID - Inside diameter

89 ID - Inside diameter

90 Insi - Insulation

91 IPS - Iron pipe size

92 IS&Y - Inside screw & yoke (valve)

93 ISO - Isometric (drawing)

94 IUE - Internal upset ends

95 Jkscr - Jack screw

96 Jt (s) - Jt. (joints)

97 JW - Jacket water

98 Lati - Lateral

99 Lb (s) -  # Pound (s) # symbol for pounds

100 Lg - Length, long, level gauge

101 Lin Ft - Liner feet

102 LJ - Lap joint (flange)

103 LLC - Liquid level controller

104 LOL - Latrolet

105 LP - Line pipe

106 LR - Long radius

107 M - Meter/one thousand

108 M&F - Male and female (ends)

109 MAT’L - Materials

110 Max Maximum (a warehouse stocking level)

111 MFD - Mechanical flow diagram

112 Mfg -  Manufacturer

113 MI - Malleable iron

114 Min - Minimum (a warehouse stocking level)

115 Misc - Miscellaneous (schedules of pipe)

116 Mk - Mark (spool piece)

117 MM - Millimeter

118 MRR - Materials receiving report

119 MSS - Manufacturers Standards Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry

120 MTO - Material take-off (from drawings)

121 NC - Normally closed

122 Nip - Nipple (pipe)

123 No or # - Number

124 NPS - Nominal pipe size

125 NPT - Nominal pipe thread

126 NU - Non-upset (ends)

127 OD - Outside diameter

128 Orf - Orifice

129 OS&D - Over short and damage (report)

130 OS&Y - Outside screw and yoke (valve)

131 Oz - Ounce

132 P&ID - Piping and instrumentation diagram

133 PBE -  Plain both ends

134 Pc - Piece (mark for spool pieces)

135 Pdl - Paddle (a blind plate between flanges)

136 PE - Plain ends

137 PI - Pressure indicator (valves & gauge assembly)

138 PLE - Plain large end

139 Plt - Plat (steel)

140 PO # - Purchase order or number

141 POE - Plain one end

142 Pr - Pair of items

143 Press - Pressure

144 PS - Pipe support

145 PSE - Plain small end

146 psi - Pounds per square inch

147 psig - Pounds-force square inch, gauge

148 PSV - Pressure safety (relief) valve

149 PVC - Poly vinyl chloride

150 PVF - Pipe, valves and fittings

151 PW - Potable wter

152 Qty - Quantity

153 Rad - Radius

154 Rdcr - Reducer

155 Rec’d - Received (materials)

156 Red - Reducer

157 Reqn - Requisition

158 REV - Revision

159 RF - Raised face

160 RPM - Revolutions per minute

161 RR - Red rubber (gasket type)

162 RS - Rising stem (valve)

163 RTE - Reducing tee

164 Rtg - Rating

165 RTJ - Ring type joint (flange facing)

166 S/40 - Schedule 40 (of pipe or fittings)

167 SC - Sample connections

168 Sch - Schedule (of pipe or fittings)

169 Scrd - Screwed (ends)

170 Sdl - Saddle (pipe)

171 SE - Screwed ends

172 Skt Bld - Skillet blind (plate between flanges)

173 Smls - Seamless spec

174 SO - Slip-on (flange)

175 SOL - Sockolet

176 SPEC - Specification

177 Spl Sht - Spool sheet (from isometric drawing)

178 Sq - Square feet, yards etc.

179 SR - Short radius, stress relieve

180 SRL - Short radius ell

181 SS - Stainless steel

182 Std - Standard (a pipe or fitting schedule)

183 STD - Standard (a pipe or fitting schedule)

184 Stl - Steel

185 Stm - Steam

186 Sub - Short length of pipe or rod

187 SW - Socket weld

188 Swg - Swage nipple

189 SWP - Safe working pressure

190 T&C - Threaded and coupled

191 T&G - Tongue and groove (flange facing)

192 Tbg - Tubing

193 Thk - Thick

194 Thr’d - Threaded

195 TI - Temperature indicator

196 TLE - Thread large end

197 TOE - Thread one end

198 TOL - Threadolet

199 TSE - Thread small end

200 TW - Thermometer well

201 Typ - Typical (repeat the same item)

202 Un - Union

203 VA - Valve

204 Vac - Vacuum

205 Vol - Volume

206 Wd - Width/wide

207 WE - Weld end

208 WI - Wrought iron

209 WN - Weld neck (flange)

210 WOL - Weldolet

211 WP - Working pressure

212 WT - Wall thickness/weight

213 XR - X-ray (at pipe welds)


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