Globe Valve

 Globe Valve:

Globe valves are named due to the global shape of the valve body.
Globe valves are used where throttling and/or frequent operation is desired.
It uses a round disk or tapered plug type disk as closure that seats against a round opening (port).
This design restricts flow, so it should not be used where full, non obstructed flow is required.
By simply rotating the handwheel, the rate at which the commodity flows through the valve can be adjusted to any desired level.
Having the valve seat parallel to the line of flow is an important feature of globe valve. This feature makes the globe valve efficient when throttling commodities as well as yielding minimal disc & seat erosion. This configuration however creates a large amount of resistance within the valve.
Types of globe valves are Standard globe valve, Angle globe valve, Needle valve Y type globe valve.

Detailed Working of Globe Valve:

It is comprised of a movable disk and a stationary ring seat in a generally spherical body. The seat of a globe valve is in the middle of and parallel to the pipe, and the opening in the seat is closed off with the disk. When the handle is turned, manually or through an actuator, a disc is lowered or raised by means of the valve stem. When the disc is fully lowered, the fluid flow is shut off. When the disc is fully raised, the fluid flow is at its maximum rate. When the disc is in raised to less then maximum level, the fluid flow is regulated with proportion to the vertical travel of the disc.
             ***Video link of globe valve working***


  • Good shutoff capability.
  • Moderate to good throttling capability.
  • Shorter stem travel between the open and closed positions as compared to a gate valve.
  • Available in many patterns, each offering unique capabilities.
  • Easy maintenance, as the discs and seats are readily refurbished or replaced.


  • High  Pressure Drop or Head  Loss  from  two  or  more  right  angle  turns  of flowing  fluid.
  • Large size glove valves require considerable power to operate and are especially noisy in high pressure applications.
  • Large openings necessary  for  disk assembly.
  • Heavier weight than other valves of the same flow rating.


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