Drawing Pipe

 Pipe can be represented on drawings as either single line or double line.

Pipe 12" and smaller is typically drawn single line.

Pipe 14" and larger is drawn double line.

Single line drawings are used to identify the centerline of the pipe.

Double line drawings are used to represent the pipe's nominal size diameter.

The standard scale used on piping drawings are 3/8" = 1'-0".

Single line pipe is drawn with a .9mm or a double wide .7mm fine lead holder.

When drawing single line pipe with AUTOCAD, a PLINE having a width of approximately .56" is used on full scale drawings.

Double line pipe uses standard line widths to draw the pipe's nominal size diameter. A centerline is used on all double pipe to allow for the placement of dimensions.

When pipe is represented on a drawing, typically the pipe's nominal size dimension is used to identify pipe size.

There are certain applications, when using a piping software the pipe's true outside diameter is used to represent the pipe on drawing. Pipe created by means other than a piping software (Manual Drawing) will be drawn using nominal sizes.


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